New York City, amerikansk historie og politikk

Har du lyst til å lære mer om New York, amerikansk historie og politikk i USAs største og mest berømte by?

St. Francis College (SFC) er et lite, privat universitet midt i Brooklyn, en av hippeste og mest multikulturelle forstedene i New York. Her har de som mål å utdanne verdensborgere, og å gjøre deg til en leder innenfor ditt fagfelt. Med bare 2 600 studenter, har de også virkelig kapasitet til det. Med Central Park, Manhattan og frihetsgudinnen rett utenfor dørstokken er det få steder som er bedre enn St. Francis College for deg som vil lære om hvordan USA har blitt verdens mest innflytelsesrike land, og New York verdens mest berømte by.

Din unike opplevelse i New York City

  • Campus midt i Brooklyn, med utsikt over NYC skyline!
  • Små klasser, mer individuell oppfølgning.
  • Internasjonalt miljø med studenter fra over 80 forskjellige land.
  • Ofte anerkjente gjesteforelesere med industrierfaring innen ditt fagfelt

Hvordan fungerer gap year-programmet ved St. Francis College?

Gjennom SONOR søker du opptak ved St. Francis College for et semester eller et år.  Velg mellom denne skreddersydde studiepakken eller sett sammen fagene dine selv. Din veileder kan hjelpe deg med å plukke ut aktuelle fag for deg.

Når du har fått godkjent fag tilsvarende 15 amerikanske credits er du fulltidsstudent og har rett til støtte fra Lånekassen.

Typiske fag for studiepakken

The Constitutional basis, structure, and operations underlying political processes (election, interest, representation, political parties); special attention is given to their role in the economy and social welfare of the nation, along with defense and foreign policy making.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

An overview of the major social and cultural movements in the United States from 1830 to the present. Co- taught by faculty of the history and sociology departments , this course will address movements of both the Left and the Right, from 19th century Abolitionism , Women’s Rights, and Civil Rights on the Left to Prohibition and the current resurgence of Tea Party conservativism on the Right. Major nineteenth and twentieth century artistic, architectural and literary movements will also be addressed.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

Definition of the metropolitan region; traditional urban and suburban forms of government; the politics of reorganization; metropolitan forms of government; regional socio-economic problems and public policies.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

This course will investigate, through the study of Supreme Court opinions and
the theories underlying those opinions, the meaning of the American
Constitution. The course will include the role of the Court in interpreting and
enforcing the Constitution; separation of powers; the powers of Congress, the
President, and the Courts; federal-state relations; and the expansion of national
governing powers.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

The historical evolution of the city, from the foundation of Jamestown to the present day; the major trends in urban development; the importance of the city in American history; and the problems confronting urban America today. Field trips are an important component of the course.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

An inquiry into the nature of social problems, both causes and consequences, within a complex industrial society, from a sociological perspective. Special emphasis is given to problems of contemporary American society and current events.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

This course provides a survey of the basic elements of American criminal law and provides an analysis of current legal issues. Particular attention is given to state laws in New York.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

From the economics of Native Americans to colonial settlement and slavery; from independence and the development of a free-labor market to the rise of the US as an international economic power; through periods of expansion and economic crises, a study of US economic development gives powerful insights into the process of economic change and the achievements and problems of the US today.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

The history of New York City from the Great Depression to the Current Downturn. Students are required to read The New York Times daily on city matters.

  • 3 semester credits -> 6 studiepoeng

Identifies foundational themes as: place, individualism/community, ethnic identities, race, gender, and popular culture and media. All of these recurring themes will be explored here as we examine the larger intellectual, cultural, and popular forces, conflicts, and mythologies that have shaped American identity and destiny from colonial times to the present: questions of race and ethnicity, national character and exceptionalism, republicanism, egalitarianism, Manifest Destiny, the myth of Rags to Riches, and the American dream. More immediate issues that have commanded national attention in recent decades — questions surrounding immigration and multiculturalism, and movements for racial and sexual equality — are also addressed. Because history is interdisciplinary by its very nature, this course will also closely adhere to the methodology employed in by the American Studies program: Students will draw from a variety of primary texts and genres, including fiction and poetry, public policy and political speeches, autobiography and diaries, art and architecture, music and media, and other sources as they explore such wide-ranging topics as citizenship, race and ethnicity, the built environment, migration and labor, and social and cultural movements.

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